Consent Preferences
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Effective Selling & Negotiation Skill Training Batch 3

Pelatihan 21 September 2015
Effective Selling & Negotiation Skill Training Batch 3

Foto bersama diakhir acara Training

Berita Lainnya

Summons to Attend Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Berita
04 June 2015 Summons to Attend Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

To all shareholders please note the details of this invitation in order to avoid a miss communication and the event runs smoothly. Thank you.

Berita Duka Cita Berita
12 October 2015 Berita Duka Cita

Segenap karyawan PT Kokoh Inti Arebama Tbk turut berduka cita atas meninggalnya salah satu karyawati kami atas nama Herin Ernawati (Purchasing Staff)...

Buka Puasa Bersama - Head Office Acara
24 May 2018 Buka Puasa Bersama - Head Office

Tujuan dari event ini adalah untuk menambah silaturahmi dan kekompakkan antar seluruh karyawan yang bekerja di Head Office. Dihadiri oleh seluruh kary...